The Title is Entitlement

Are all millennials created entitled or do new work processes skew the perception of the millennial work ethic?
Many companies love to use the word innovative, yet there is a disconnect between the understanding of what innovation looks like on paper and what it looks like in person. Simply put, innovation is the introduction of new ideas or methods. Therefore if companies want new ideas they have to accept new work methods.
Partly due to advancements in technology and partly due to changes in core values, the millennial generation is truly adopting the concept of ‘work smarter, not harder’. Expanding upon this idea, there has been a drastic shift in office culture as more millennials begin to take management roles. Due to this transferal of leadership, new values have become prominent in a more casual, comfortable work place. Thus beginning to close the gap between boss and employee, ultimately creating a relationship that thrives on equal communication.
In many traditional work environments asking for career advancement is often intimidating. Though with this change in culture, millennials have become more comfortable asking for new opportunities. These inquiries are often misinterpreted as entitlement, but the reality is if we don’t ask we won’t receive.
Not all millennials are innovators, like every generation millennials have shortcomings. But there are prominent changes in current leadership, work process, and communication that are often misconceived as unjustified entitlement. The only way to break these misconceptions is to drive the work place with creative ideas and consistent improvements to eventually earn your opportunity.
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