The National Millennial Community travels to the Bay Area

Last week, 26 members of the National Millennial Community, came together in San Francisco to continue to change the conversation about the millennial generation. We started the trip at a fun Moroccan restaurant where we met with two female executives from AT&T. Since a lot of the community had never been to the Bay Area, we naturally took a cable car ride to Ghirardelli Square and finished the night with some ice cream!
Thursday, started off fairly early with breakfast at a famous San Francisco eatery, Rocco’s Café. During our breakfast meeting some of the community members had a chance to sit down with Dr. Mary Bitterman, who is the President and Trustee to The Bernard Osher Foundation. Not long after that we left for the Verizon Innovation Center, where we were able to witness some of the latest technologies. It was really cool to see some of the augmented and virtual reality technology that is almost available for the public! After our quick tour of Verizon we made our way to SHIFT Communications. I really enjoyed the visit to SHIFT because we were able to sit down with a few of their staff members and get to know the insides of agency life. Our next stop was to Wells Fargo, where the executives and the community members were able to share perspectives about marketing trends and the Wells Fargo brand.
After Wells Fargo it was finally time for my big project, which I have been coordinating all summer. I coordinated a video based off of Jimmy Kimmel’s, “Mean Tweets” segment on his show for the community. This video was made to address stereotypes head-on and change the conversation about millennials.
Once the video was finished the community traveled to Spitfire, which is a public interest communication firm. Spitfire works for many different social change organizations to help their communication strategies be more effective towards their cause. Spitfire was our last executive conversation for the day but that didn’t mean our day was done! We went out to a nice Italian dinner and then to a show that, in my opinion, was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! If you are ever in San Francisco please go see Beach Blanket Babylon, which is truly a great production! I was completely exhausted by the time we left the show; I’m not sure if that was because of how much I was laughing or because of how busy our day was.

Friday was a very exciting day for us. We first traveled to Oakland to meet with the Golden State Warriors CFO, Jennifer Cabalquinto, and the new Chase Center’s Executive Director, Eric Bresler. We were all very excited to meet with them and get some advice about our futures! Both executives were very insightful about the sports industry and taught us a valuable lesson about paying attention and always taking notes! Next, we traveled to Mountain View to have a panel discussion with some working millennial Googlers! Again, the Googlers gave us some great advice about how to work with older generations and what to expect when looking for a career. One piece of advice that really stuck with me was developing a user guide, this is a document used to effectively collaborate and work with different people.

Finally it was time for our last meeting at eBay, which was probably one of my favorites! The conversation we had with eBay’s Vice President of global communications and her staff, worked towards achieving exactly what our community is trying to do! The eBay visit was unique because we got the chance to see their new advertising strategy before anyone else and give them feedback. I can confidentially say that most of the community learned something about eBay that we didn’t know before.
This trip was truly special because, as a community, we were able to collaborate again and carry-on our objectives as the National Millennial Community. We learned about future opportunities with potential companies, gained career advice and most importantly changed the conversation.
#Millennial #millennial #nationalmillennialcommunity #BatArea #SanFransisco #Ebay #ATT #RoccosCafe #BernardOsherFoundation #Verizon #VerizonInnovationCenter #SHIFTCommunications #SHIFT #angencylife #WellsFargo #JimmyKimmel #Meantweets #Spitfire #Publicrelations #communicationsfirm #sdvertising #BeachBlanketBabylon #GoldenStateWarrioirs #NBA #Chasecenter #sportsindustry #MountainView #Google #Googlers #ebay